Who We Are
Not for Profit
Non - Profit
We are a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit association so you can be sure that your support is going to a good cause. The UVDGA’s mission, vision and goals align with those of our members and supporters and are clearly outlined and documented with transparency in mind.
Community Oriented
Upper Valley Area
Upper Connecticut River Valley
Our focus is on growing the sport in our local communities and as a result the disc golf community as a whole. We aim to both grow the sport and improve all of the communities involved through our efforts. See some of the ways we are working to improve our communities at the link below.
Disc Golfers
Community through organization
We’re joining the community of disc golfers and friends in order to organize our efforts towards course improvements and community awareness. We hope to spread the love we’ve found for this great sport through building a sustainable community of disc golfers in the area.
What We Do
The UVDGA was created to support the growth of disc golf in general and specifically within the Upper Connecticut River Valley Area and that’s exactly what we do. Through the organization of members, events, and fundraising efforts, to name a few, we aim to accomplish our goals.
Growing the Sport
Increasing Participation
Our efforts to increase participation and community awareness will come initially in the form of the organization of members and events. We plan to support events currently being held at our areas courses. As our member base expands so shall our involvement in other events.
Course Improvements
maintenance, installation and project management
One of the primary functions of the UVDGA will be organizing, funding and assisting with course improvements including maintenance, installation, project management. Courses rely on primarily volunteers and the UVDGA will be very active in the organization of those volunteers to help maintain local courses.
of volunteers, events, community supporters
As the disc golf community in the Upper Valley has grown, the need for a more organized approach has become apparent. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts and as an organized community we can accomplish great things. Become part of a great group of organized golfers.
Join the UVDGA
Interested in joining the UVDGA? Want to help us grow the sport?
Join us today and support the growth of disc golf.
Become part of a group of disc golfers looking to improve the communities around them.
Other Ways to Help
We are a non-profit and volunteers are vital to our success. Whether your a member or not we’d love to have you volunteer. Contact us today and find out how you can help.
Donations and sponsorships are always welcomed. While we are not out to make a profit and will function primarily on volunteer work; donations and sponsorships are appreciated and will go directly towards the support of our mission.
Get Merch
We know disc golfers like gear and there is no better way to show your continued support for the UVDGA than through sporting some of our branded merchandise and gear. We’ll have shirts, hats, discs, minis and more so check back often.